Get Involved
Invest in OYM
A donation to Odyssey Youth Movement helps to support local LGBTQ+ youth through Odyssey's programs & resources at our drop-in center in the South Perry district. Your contribution will be used to help ensure that LGBTQ+ youth across the Inland Northwest have a thriving future ahead of them! You can donate securely at the link below.
Join our team!
Odyssey accepts applications year-round for volunteers and mentors! Mentors go through training with Odyssey's Programs Manager to work directly with LGBTQ+ youth at drop-in. Volunteers help out with center upkeep, tabling, events, and more. Click below and apply now to become an Odyssey volunteer or mentor!
Annual Events
Join us at one of our annual events to help support LGBTQ+ youth! From Pride In Perry, an annual celebration of the LGBTQ+ community in the South Perry district, to Odyssey Masquerade, a fundraiser for LGBTQ+ youth programs & resources, there's something for everyone. Click below to see what's coming soon!
Donate Items
During drop-in, youth participants are invited to check out & take what they need from the resources Odyssey has in-center, such as the clothing closet, snack kitchen, hygiene supply closet, and more. We accept donations year-round to keep the drop-in center stocked. Donations can be dropped off during our drop-in program hours (MWF 3-8PM and Thurs 5-9PM). Some common needs include individual snack foods, ready-to-make/ready-to-eat meals, gluten-free items, deodorant, and new undergarments of any size and style.

Shop For OYM
Check out Odyssey's gift registry at Wishing Tree Books: you can help provide affirming stories for local LGBTQ+ youth and support a small business at the same time. Win win!
If you use Fred Meyer Rewards, you can help Odyssey a little bit at a time just by doing your everyday shopping! Fred Meyer Rewards purchases help OYM as Charity #91061.