Thank you for supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning young people in your classrooms and schools. LGBTQ+ youth continue to face harassment, intimidation, and erasure in our schools; we must work together to make positive change for these students. Included in this letter are some resources to help in your roles as GSA advisors, counselors, and trusted adults within our school systems. We wanted to share a sample of the resources available both online and locally, knowing that this is just an initial step in ongoing work to support LGBTQ+ young folks across our community.
In our resources list at the end of this letter, you will find links from organizations like the GSA Network and GLSEN, national organizations who have been working to support the creation and facilitation of student-led Gender & Sexuality Alliances for decades. You will also find crisis resources that all trusted adults should have on hand for the students and youth they work alongside, such as the Trevor Project, an organization providing counseling, resources, and emergency aid to LGBTQ+ folks across the country.
We also encourage LGBTQ+ students looking for support to reach out to us here at Odyssey Youth Movement. Odyssey works to promote equity for LGBTQ+ youth in the Inland Northwest through youth-driven programs and community education. This includes youth programs for ages 13-18 three nights a week and young adult programs for ages 18-24 weekly. Programs range from activities designed to encourage community building and peer support to educational programming on topics such as sexual health and LGBTQ+ history & culture. Odyssey programming is currently operating on a hybrid model of virtual and in-person programs; folks are invited to check the website HERE for up-to-date information on how to get involved. As part of our mission of community education, Odyssey also provides training and support for educators and youth service providers on how best to create safe and affirming spaces for LGBTQ+ students. Please reach out to us at for more information on our customizable trainings for all grade levels.
We’re looking forward to continuing the conversation on how we can work together as a community to create safe and affirming spaces for all students across the Inland Northwest. Please reach out with any questions or ideas on how we can best support you and your students. Odyssey youth, staff, and volunteers are happy to have you as part of the movement.
Odyssey Staff
Ian Sullivan Maggie Bolden Chandler Wheeler
He/Him She/They They/Them
Executive Director Programs Manager Communications Coordinator
LGBTQ+ Student & Educator Resources
Building Your GSA
LGBTQ+ Student Data
Youth and Family Resources
The Trevor Project (866) 488-7386
Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860
LGBTQ+ History & Sexuality